Monday, October 4, 2010

Getting Things Done

I tried out the Getting Things Done (GTD) technique to organize my time and increase my efficiency of everyday things. I decided to write down all of the tasks I needed to get done. Using my planner I wrote done all the things I needed to get done for the week and upcoming weeks. I think writing out the tasks and checking them off when I do them helps me stay on task and making the check mark in my planner is kind of a reinforcement tool and keeps me motivated as little as it may be.

Going through the GTD for the first time was somewhat of an anxiety increasing experience. I have a lot of things to get done and honestly don’t think I am the best at following through on all of them. I tend to put things off as a way to cope with being overwhelmed especially for things I really don’t look forward to doing. I think this process was helpful for me to manage which tasks are really important to finish first and not work on easy tasks that aren’t really a priority.

I think this process was somewhat helpful to me. I think it will help me put into perspective what tasks I can put off that aren’t extremely important at the moment and what tasks need to be at the top of my to-do list. I think the idea that if you can do something in two-minutes, do it that moment. I often tend to put simple things off and then it becomes an issue that never should have been created if I did it right away.

I think I will somewhat continue this process but adapt to my own liking. I hope I can stick with it and use it to benefit my organization and efficiency. I just know myself and that I can tend to get lazy and not follow through sometimes. I need to figure out a way to reward myself like making the check marks in my planner when I do accomplish a task.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is human nature to but of unpleasant tasks as long as physically possible. I know I've been guilty to doing that more than once in my lifetime. I’m an avid list maker, myself. I usually work on mine first thing in the morning, over a cup of coffee. I think you said it best, when you stated that it's best to find a system that works best for you - then stick with it.
